Hakkasin netis pokkerit jälle mängima, pole väga kaua aega juba enam tõsisemalt mänginud. Tegelikult otsest plaani mul uuesti mängima hakata ei olnud, aga ma lihtsalt avastasin enda hotmaili postkastist ühe kirja. Lühidalt öeldes oli kirjas sees, et mind on valitud "test gruppi" (mis on ilmselt üpriski suur tegelikult) ja nad kannavad 50$ minu pokkerikontole üle. Ma mõtlesin korraks sellele, mida kõike ma eelmine kord suutsin 50 dollariga teha. Ja muidugi olin ma nõus.
I don't mean my words, I just like the way they sound.
Sain kirja kutsealusena arvelevõtmise kohta ka. Ei oska eriti kommenteerida, eks varsti läheb sõtta siis. Homme on mul magnetuuring ka. Varem ma mõtlesin, et vahet pole, et elab üle selle, et ei saa paar kuud trenni teha. Aga siis oli koolis mingi päev juttu, et kaitseväkke ka ju ei võeta vigase põlvega. No fakk, selle olin täitsa ära unustanud, kaitseväkke ma minemata küll ei jäta.
They mostly come at night. I remember the first time when they came. I was sleeping in my bed while I heard knocking on my window. I first thought it was just a bird or some kind of an illusion again. I looked at the clock and it showed exactly 3:33. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something dark standing behind my window. At first I thought it was my imagination or just some shadow of a tree. But then I noticed its shining red lights and its breath vapor coming out of it's mouth. Does it even have a mouth? I'm not sure, I've never seen them in the daylight. They come at night and they're just dark figures with red shining lights. Since then they've been knocking on my windows at 3:33 every night. You can imagine how terrifying it was at first. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, I was shocked by that creature. I couldn't sleep few days first, but after two months I got used to it. Once, after the creature had knocked and started to stare at me I stared back for a minute then stood up and slowly started to walk toward the window. The creature still stared at me and exhaling breath somewhere from the top of its body. I slowly started to near the creature (you can imagine bloody afraid I was). While I could almost touch my window, the creature started to run. I've never seen anything run so fast. It really was like a swift shadow, just dissapearing. But the next night, while my clock showed 3:33 I noticed something strange. This time the creatures came in groups of two. Imagine four blood red eyes shining behind the window, staring my every move, my every blink. They always left before the sun came up, I think they can't survive the daylight. After they had left, I could sleep again. This means I was awake every night from 3:33 to about 5 pm. I was hoping that when the summer arrives, they would leave me alone. But last week something unbelievable happened. Instead of hearing knocking on the window, I heard knocking on my table. The shadow was in my room. It was standing by my table, slowly knocking on my table, but still heavily breathing. I pulled my blanket over my head, I couldn't stare at it. I couldn't do anything, knowing that it watches over my every move. I couldn't see anything from under the blanket, but I still heard it breathing and slowly knocking: knock...knock.. But suddenly it was all silent again. I pulled the blanket of my head and the creature had dissapeared. It was 5pm already, the sun was rising. Since then they've always been in my room. But they're coming closer and closer. They're already standing in the middle of the room, next night they might already stand next to me. I know why they're here. They are here to haunt me and take me away. When they reach my bed, they will grab me and take me to their world. I will dissapear soon. I can't sleep anymore. I can't even be calm in the daylight. I see their blood-red eyes shining in the shadows, staring at my every move. They're waiting.
Viimased ööd on tõesti liigagi imelikud olnud.
I like the way your pheromones make me sleepy.
Ma võõrdun nüüd mõneks ajaks siit blogist. Ma lihtsalt ei jõua enam. Ma olen ka väsinud ja ma arvan, et ma olen selle puhkuse ära teeninud.
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