Sunday, February 13, 2011

Crush, through someone else's eyes.

If You text me, I will answer, I will be here waiting for you.
I'll try to call you on my mobile phone and when you don't answer I'll start to worry, that you don't like me.
Too long now, my thoughts they flow,
they flow upon You.
And on and on this story goes.

I can still smell You,
it's like You're still in my room.
You said: "See you sooner."
But it's been three weeks, six hours and twelve minutes and I haven't heard anything yet.
I sent you 17 message last night and resent them... just in case.
Because you know... It's cold in Your room and I know You need me close.
Sometimes I can make out your silhouette with the curtains - my own perfect shadow puppet-show.
Your friends say I should go, but what do they know?
I think love is like Hollyoaks.
Yesterday at breakfast I wrote your name in alphabet with spaghetti, but I put my last name. And now everything tastes like you.
Tell me what to do and I'll do it.

Remember when we laid in the bed? I closed my eyes and hoped that this would last forever.
Then you said you have to leave.
 I asked, where are you going? It's only
 You said "bye", waved with your hand and walked out the door.

If you don't answer my calls, would you at least come home and stop this pain tonight?
Where are you, and I'm so sorry.

I think back now to when I first met you. The nine of the ninth, two thousand and nine, remember?
The cafeteria of the school is hardly where you expect to find love, but we did.
And that moment my life changed. I asked your name, you said it was Angelle.
I said we should get together, you said it would be better if we didn't.
I asked where you lived, but you giggled and flicked your hair.
Couldn't stop staring and I wouldn't have cared if the whole world had melted.
I know you felt it all in your eyes and I would have wanted to draw them inside of my eyelids.
So higher power had guided you into my path.
If I had known better I would had sent you a letter and resend it.
But I didn't.
You couldn't pretend, you knew you couldn't love me forever.

I waited outside your work at lunchtime. We usually just wander to coffeshop, you're so cosmopolitan.
A man in a hurry bashed you to the door, I wanted to hit him, but I didn't.
I brought you fish finger sandwich that I made you last night. I went through your dust-bins, I know that you like them.
You glide through the crowd doing pirouettes.  I'm watching you smoke, I wish it was a cigarette.
I cut your name in the desk at work, but I accidentally missed out one letter. There's to L's in Angelle. It's just my gesture to let you know that I love you so much I wanna hurt you.
That doesn't mean I wanna hurt myself.
Doesn't mean I wanna hurt anyone else.
Because they don't understand.
No one understands.

You're so close to being the perfect woman

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