minu depressiiv-maniakaal psühoos.
Tired of using this language.
Why won't I make myself a sandwich?
Naah, actually, I am serious.
I'm tired of speaking estonian.
Tired of hearing it every day.
Tired of it sounding more and more delirious,
with each word, that I say.
And I can't find anything that rhymes,
because look at the times.
My brain tends not to work in times like this,
to me it seems like it's in an abyss.
I should be going to bed
and think over about these words,
that I just said.
Its one thing to see a path but its another to choose it,
Its one thing to want to run but its another to do it,
Its one thing to buy a gun but its another to use it;
Soon I will be wishing myself five minutes in heaven,
before devil knows I'm dead
Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes... just be an illusion.
Less than divided by three?
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